Thursday, May 29, 2008

Broken Eggs?

If you were one of the few people who had been viewing these entries from my little old myspace you're not going to anymore. Since adding loads of people from work and other places I have decided to forget putting these there for a while. If they care enough to know my inner thoughts they can come here and find out, right?

Today I was thinking back on the things that I thought were absolute truth a few years ago. I was thinking about the people that I was so sure I would be friends with forever and the bonds I formed over the past few years. I can be quoted earlier on this blog as saying that things move so fast in college. The flow of time isn't the one we saw out in the real world. The world there isn't the real world. Everyone there is going to graduate with honors, marry the perfect person and live happily ever after, right.

Flash forward to having a big helping of life hit you. I look back and I realize all the chances to be happier that I passed up because of others. All of the time I wasted chasing the wrong thing. It seems I need to work on what I want, what I am looking for and this time around take chances and risks to get it. It's true I worry less about those people who don't care about me. I've stopped trying to impress people who could care less about what I am doing and maybe thats just the first step.

I can't settle for things, I can't settle for being an okay writer, or for dating a girl who's good enough, or for not getting the things in life that I need and even a few of the things I want. I'm not saying that you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet, but I am saying that you can't always be the egg getting dumped into the pan.

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